

Karen Marosi, director of student engagement in EMS, talks to students participating in the summer MCREU program.

Credit: Penn State

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Conducting research as an undergraduate can be daunting, 但今年夏天,塞拉·赖特(Sierra Wright)和一群来自全州各地的腾讯分分彩平台(Penn State)学生第一个跳了起来 Multi-Campus Research Experience for Undergraduates (MCREU).

“一开始我有点害怕,因为我不确定自己能不能做到,” said Wright, a rising second-year student at Penn State Altoona. “But since being here this summer, 我意识到我对自己的很多怀疑都被证明是不正确的. 我意识到我能做的比我想象的要多得多,即使只是在八周内.”

The MCREU program supports Commonwealth Campus students, like Wright, 因为他们在夏季的几个月里在两名腾讯分分彩平台教师的指导下进行研究,一名来自他们的家乡校园,另一名来自大学公园校区.

“MCREU项目通过提供宝贵的实践经验和培养必要的专业联系来改变学生的教育,” said Erin Hostetler, 宾夕法尼亚州立工程学院学生研究和参与主任. “这些身临其境的体验不仅提高了学生的技术技能,还在校园和大学之间建立了有影响力的关系, creating lasting value for everyone involved.”

Karen Marosi, 地球与矿物科学学院学生活动主任, 他说,这个项目同时也是一个过渡,让学生对研究和研究生院感兴趣, 为那些在来大学公园之前可能没有机会的学生提供有意义的专业经验.

Wright spent the summer on the University Park campus, working with Antonia Hadjimichael, an assistant professor of geosciences, and Gabriela Gesualdo, 地球与矿产科学学院地球科学系博士后学者, studying flash droughts.

突发性干旱发展迅速——可能在短短几周内——而不是缓慢, gradual onset typically associated with droughts. These events, which may be exacerbated by the changing climate, can have major impacts on communities and agriculture, Wright said.

她说:“这与普通的干旱非常相似,但发生得非常快。. “它可能发生在任何地方,甚至是最近可能发生洪水的地方. Then the next month, it’s completely dry. It can be really devastating. And they are incredibly hard to predict.”

赖特说,突发性干旱是一个新兴的研究领域,没有大量的长期数据. 她的工作是协助Gesualdo从社区收集数据和新闻文章,以提供潜在的突发性干旱的证据.

In addition to the support from her faculty mentors, 赖特说,与MCREU项目的同龄人合作帮助她度过了整个夏天, from conducting her research to developing her final video and poster presentation. 学生们在7月的一次虚拟研讨会上展示了他们的作品.

“我们可以谈论我们正在做的事情,分享我们所知道的,”赖特说. “我们都有不同的知识——我们中的一个人已经写了一篇文献综述. Some of us had made poster presentations, but a lot of us hadn’t. 所以我们能够走到一起,谈论我们正在经历的事情,分享我们的知识.”

钱方欣(音译)去年参加了MCREU项目,是一名即将从腾讯分分彩平台官网分校转到大学公园校区的三年级学生. 她现在是化学工程专业即将升入大四的学生,今年又参加了这次活动.

钱说,这个项目帮助她轻松地过渡到大学公园校园, 把她介绍给其他学生,并最终介绍给成金的研究小组, 工程学院化学工程特聘教授.

“It helped introduce me to my research group,” Qian said. “他们非常耐心地解释细节,非常支持. It has made my research experience much easier.”

This summer, 钱帮助一位客座教授建立了一个半导体气体传感器,这是她MCREU项目的一部分.

“I had never actually set up equipment in the lab,” she said. “通常情况下,一切都已经准备好了,我只需要知道如何使用这些设备. 但我能够了解每个软件是如何与设备的每个部分一起工作的. it’s been a great experience.”

Joseph Wolf, a senior studying energy engineering, also participated in the MCREU for the second time this summer. 他之前就读于腾讯分分彩平台约克分校,是一名即将升学的二年级学生.

He said his experience working in the lab of Feifei Shi, 地球与矿物科学学院John and Willie Leone Family能源与矿物工程系能源工程助理教授, transformed how he envisioned his career.

“这次撞击完全改变了我计划做的事情,”沃尔夫说. “I wasn’t considering research at all. I was planning to get a four-year degree and go work in industry. 但我意识到我真的很喜欢做研究,我想把它作为一种职业继续下去.”

沃尔夫整个夏天都在做一个从地热盐水中提取锂的项目, 有可能创造一种更可持续的方法从现成的废物流中提取重要资源.

Reflecting on all he has learned so far, Wolf encouraged other students to seek out undergraduate research. 

“在你尝试之前,你永远不知道你可能会对什么感兴趣,”他说. “Especially if it’s your first time doing research. 如果你感到紧张,在这个项目中得到的支持会让你的紧张情绪平静下来.”

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